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It's different.

The UCSF Cut2Quit Study is a disruptive approach to quitting smoking. Most treatments will tell you to pick a Quit Date and simply stop smoking. Say what? It’s no wonder why most people relapse.

The pressure's off.

We are testing a new approach to quitting smoking that embraces the idea of practicing before quitting. Our program encourages smokers to set daily cigarette reduction goals that gradually lead up to a Quit Date. That’s right, the pressure’s off. Quit at your own pace. You know your smoking and quitting habits better than anyone else! Learn and do what works for you.

You will be compensated.

Study compensation: eligible participants who enroll and complete all study requirements will receive a free gift (retail value $120) and up to $20 in Amazon gift cards.

Join the program that guides you to take control of how you quit smoking.